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Birthstone & Gold Rings Prisma Collection - Albert Hern Fine Jewelry
Birthstone & Gold Rings Prisma Collection - Albert Hern Fine Jewelry
Birthstone & Gold Rings Prisma Collection - Albert Hern Fine Jewelry
Birthstone & Gold Rings Prisma Collection - Albert Hern Fine Jewelry
Birthstone & Gold Rings Prisma Collection - Albert Hern Fine Jewelry
Birthstone & Gold Rings Prisma Collection - Albert Hern Fine Jewelry
Birthstone & Gold Rings Prisma Collection - Albert Hern Fine Jewelry
Birthstone & Gold Rings Prisma Collection - Albert Hern Fine Jewelry
Birthstone & Gold Rings Prisma Collection - Albert Hern Fine Jewelry
Birthstone & Gold Rings Prisma Collection - Albert Hern Fine Jewelry
Birthstone & Gold Rings Prisma Collection - Albert Hern Fine Jewelry
Birthstone & Gold Rings Prisma Collection - Albert Hern Fine Jewelry
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Birthstone & Gold Rings Prisma Collection

RD$ 15,500.00


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Each piece has a certificate of authenticity that backs only the highest quality handmade jewelry in the U.S. with a perfectly crafted 5x3mm custom gem that hangs, subtly, on a delicate 14K yellow gold chain.

The Prisma Collection, by Albert Hern and Diamond Tales, has been designed for those who want to have more than just a piece of jewelry, they want to connect with a unique symbolism for each one, which can be selected either by the month of their birth, by the horoscope, or by the stone that best reveals their inner gem.

What is your story? Let a rainbow of gems and fine metals tell it for you.

Prisma collection Albert Hern

Prisma collection Albert Hern Birthstone Meaning

January, Capricorn & Aquarius > Garnet

The name “garnet” originates from the medieval Latin granatus, meaning “pomegranate,” in reference to the similarity of the red color.

Represents January as a birthstone and the Astrological signs Capricorn and Aquarius. If you can relate to any of these, make yourself feel special by carrying your story with you at all times.

February, Aquarius & Pisces > Amethyst

Amethyst can be found in the collections of royal families throughout Europe and Asia. wearing an amethyst can also be a symbol of personal empowerment and inner strength.

The Amethyst represents February as a birthstone and the Astrological signs Aquarius and Pisces. If you can relate to any of these, make yourself feel special by carrying your story with you at all times.

March, Pisces & Aries > Aquamarine

Aquamarine’s name comes from the Latin for seawater, and ancient mariners claimed the gem would calm waves and keep sailors safe at sea. 

The Aquamarine represents March as a birthstone and the Astrological signs Pisces and Aries. If you can relate to any of these, make yourself feel special by carrying your story with you at all times.

April, Aries & Taurus > Diamond

The month of April is represented by the diamond. It is the quintessential gemstone, one closely related to the signs Aries and Taurus that symbolizes success, love, romance and toughness of character.

It is believed that the diamond enhances the natural healing that other gemstones exert on the mind and body of the wearer, and is the perfect catalyst for those who seek to achieve their goals.

May, Taurus & Gemini > Tsavorite

Tsavorite is a trade name for the emerald-green variety of Grossular Garnet that originates in Africa. Tsavorite has become one of the most popular and expensive Garnets, due to its rarity combined with effective marketing tactics. This gemstone was first discovered in Tanzania in 1967.

Represents May as a birthstone and the Astrological signs Taurus and Gemini. If you can relate to any of these, make yourself feel special by carrying your story with you at all times.

June, Gemini & Cancer > Pink Sapphire

Pink sapphire closely linked to love, wisdom and the search for truth. Gemini and Cancer are the zodiac signs linked to it. Loyal, emotional, sensual intellectual and eloquent people.

Pink sapphire is believed to be the protective stone of the mind and can be used to calm the mind in times of great stress.

July, Cancer & Leo > Ruby

A ruby is a pink to blood-red colored gemstone, a variety of the mineral corundum. Other varieties of gem-quality corundum are called sapphires. The word ruby comes from ruber, Latin for red.

The Ruby represents July as a birthstone and the Astrological signs Cancer and Leo. If you can relate to any of these, make yourself feel special by carrying your story with you at all times.

August, Leo & Virgo > Peridot

The Peridot represents August as a birthstone and the Astrological signs Leo and Virgo.

The stone from the stars. Although most of the peridot seen in jewelry today comes from sources such as China, Myanmar, Pakistan, Tanzania, Vietnam and the United States, some came to Earth on meteorites while others are found in exotic locales like Peridot Beach, Hawaii, where the sands shimmer a luminous green.

September, Virgo & Libra > Blue Sapphire

Blue sapphires are linked to romance, deep and passionate love. They are also said to symbolize fidelity and the soul.

It is the stone representing September as a birthstone and the astrological signs Virgo and Libra. Tolerant, introspective, serene, elegant and kind people.

October, Libra & Scorpio > Tourmaline

The name Tourmaline comes from the Sinhalese word toramalli, which means “stone with mixed colors,” because it often has multiple colors in one crystal. Very few gems match tourmaline’s dazzling array of colors. Perhaps this is why ancient mystics believed this October birthstone could inspire artistic expression – it has a color palette for every mood. Among the most popular are the pink and red rubellites.

The Tourmaline represents October as a birthstone and the Astrological signs Libra and Scorpio. 

November, Scorpio & Sagittarius > Citrine

Citrine, the attractor stone of happiness, positive energies and abundance. Representative of the month of November, its signs are Scorpio and Sagittarius.

This stone is one of the most interesting because everything that surrounds it is related to euphoria and happiness. Those who are represented in it are usually people with great ability to influence others, intuitive, spontaneous, direct and sometimes very emotional.

December, Sagittarius & Capricorn > Tanzanite

Tanzanite may be a relative newcomer to the world of colored stones, but it was one of the most exciting gem discoveries of the 20th century. 

Represents December as a birthstone and the Astrological signs Sagittarius and Capricorn.



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