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Beautiful rings that incorporate the most visionary modern-day designs that will age perfectly into timeless jewelry that will enhance your everyday style.

Contemporary White Gold Rings (36)

Ring 18kt White Gold Diamonds & Double-Row Oval Rubies

£1,495.00 GBP

Ring 18kt Gold Pear Diamond GIA & Diamonds Split Shank

£3,685.00 GBP

Ring 14kt White Gold Half Diamond Band 0.25 carats

£615.00 GBP

Ring 18kt White Gold Half 10 Diamond Band 0.74 carats

£1,618.00 GBP

Ring Platinum Half Band 5 Diamonds 2.37 cts

£6,551.00 GBP

Ring Platinum GIA Round Diamond 1.23cts Solitaire

£6,694.00 GBP

Ring 18kt White Gold Half Diamond Band 0.50 carats

£1,270.00 GBP

Ring 18kt Gold GIA Round Diamond 0.66cts Solitaire

£1,740.00 GBP

Ring 18kt Gold Emerald 1.45cts & Diamonds Pave


Ring 18kt White Gold Half Baguettes Band

£1,024.00 GBP

Ring 18kt Gold GIA Square Yellow Diamond & Pave

£7,983.00 GBP

Ring 18kt Gold 64 Diamonds Criss Cross Wedding Band

£2,183.00 GBP
Contemporary ring designs are all those rings that have seen the sunlight within the modern era. Whether or not they are a reinvention of the classic.

You will see in this collection beautiful contemporary diamond ring settings, which have subtle nods to the vintage era, but at the same time keep an ambitious fashion cut.

Find white gold pieces to make a statement or cocktail jewelry to dazzle with, all in one category. All of our contemporary diamond rings have a truly refined aesthetic and are designed to stand the test of time, so they will look great, even generations from now.


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